Reading Comprehension: excerpt from the Nicomachean Ethics

Mr. Steel



1. What does Aristotle think is the difference between "goodwill" and "friendship"?





2. Aristotle writes about three different kinds of friendships. Explain what Aristotle sees as the main bond in friendships of utility. When are these most common? How are such friendships deficient? Why do they not last?










3. Explain Aristotle's understanding of friendships based on pleasure. When are these friendships most common? How are such friendships deficient? Why do they not last?











4. Explain what Aristotle means by "the perfect form of friendship." Why is this the best sort of friendship?







5. Why are "perfect friendships" rare, according to Aristotle?












6. How is "perfect friendship" similar to the lower forms of friendship (i.e., those based on utility and pleasure)?














7. Why does Aristotle account friendship higher than romantic love?