Hecate, Hekate (Hekátē),
or Hekat was originally a goddess of the wilderness and childbirth
originating from Thrace, or among the Carians of Anatolia. Popular cults
venerating her as a mother goddess integrated her persona into Greek culture as
Εκάτη. In Ptolemaic Alexandria she ultimately
achieved her connotations as a goddess of sorcery and her role as the 'Queen of
Ghosts', in which guise she was transmitted to post-Renaissance culture. Today
she is often seen as a goddess of witchcraft and Wicca. She is also the
equivalent of the Roman Trivia.
The earliest depictions of Hecate are single faced, not triplicate. Lewis
Richard Farnell states:
The evidence of the
monuments as to the character and significance of Hekate is almost as full as
that of the literature. But it is only in the later period that they come to
express her manifold and mystic nature. Before the fifth century there is
little doubt that she was usually represented as of single form like any other
divinity, and it was thus that the Boeotian poet imagined her, as nothing in
his verses contains any allusion to a triple formed goddess. The earliest known
monument is a small terracotta found in Athens, with a dedication to Hekate
(Plate XXXVIII. a), in writing of the style of the sixth century. The goddess
is seated on a throne with a chaplet bound round her head; she is altogether
without attributes and character, and the only value of this work, which is
evidently of quite a general type and gets a special reference and name merely
from the inscription, is that it proves the single shape to be her earlier
from, and her recognition at Athens to be earlier than the Persian invasion.
Pausanias stated that Hecate was first depicted in triplicate by the
sculptor Alkamenes in the Greek Classical period of the late 5th century. Some
classical portrayals, such as the one illustrated below, show her as a
triplicate goddess holding a torch, a key and a serpent. Others continue to
depict her in singular form. In Egyptian-inspired Greek esoteric writings
connected with Hermes Trismegistus, and in magical papyri of Late Antiquity she
is described as having three heads: one dog, one serpent and one horse.
Hecate's triplicity is expressed in a more Hellene fashion, with three bodies
instead, where she is shown taking part in the battle with the Titans in the
vast frieze of the great altar of Pergamum, now in Berlin. In the Argolid, near
the shrine of the Dioscuri, the 2nd-century CE traveller Pausanias saw the
temple of Hecate opposite the sanctuary of Eilethyia; "The image is a work
of Scopas. This one is of stone, while the bronze images opposite, also of
Hekate, were made respectively by Polycleitus and his brother Naucydes, son of
Mothon. (Description of Greece ii.22.7)
A 4th century BCE
marble relief from Crannon in Thessaly was dedicated by a race-horse owner. It
shows Hecate, with a hound beside her, placing a wreath on the head of a mare.
This statue is in the British Museum, inventory number 816. Her attendant and
animal representation is of a bitch, and the most common form of offering was
to leave meat at a crossroads. Sometimes dogs themselves were sacrificed to her
(a good indication of her non-Hellenic origin, as dogs along with donkeys, very
rarely played this role in genuine Greek ritual).
In Argonautica, a third century BCE Alexandrian epic based on early
materials, Jason placates Hecate in a ritual prescribed by Medea: bathed at
midnight in a stream of flowing water, and dressed in dark robes, Jason is to
dig a pit and offer a libation of honey and blood from the throat of a sheep,
which was set on a pyre by the pit and wholly consumed as a holocaust, then
retreat from the site without looking back (Argonautica, iii). All these
elements betoken the rites owed to a chthonic deity.
Despite popular belief, Hecate was not originally a Greek goddess. She is
unknown to Homer and in fact the earliest written references to her are in
Hesiod's Theogony. The place of origin of her cult is uncertain, but it
is thought that she had popular cult followings in Thrace. Her most important
sanctuary was Lagina, a theocratic city-state in which the goddess was served
by eunuchs. Lagina, where the famous temple of Hecate drew great festal
assemblies every year, lay close to the originally Macedonian colony of
Stratonikea. In Thrace she played a role similar to that of lesser-Hermes,
namely a governess of liminal points and the wilderness, bearing little
resemblance to the night-walking crone. Additionally, this led to her role of
aiding women in childbirth and the raising of young men.
There was a fane sacred to Hecate as well in the precincts of the Temple of
Artemis at Ephesus, where the eunuch priests, megabyzi, officiated.
Hesiod records that she was among the offspring of Gaia and Uranus, the Earth
and Sky. In Theogony he ascribed to Hecate such wide-ranging and
fundamental powers, that it is hard to resist seeing such a deity as a
figuration of the Great Goddess, though as a good Olympian Hesiod ascribes her
powers as the "gift" of Zeus:
"Hecate whom Zeus
the son of Cronos honoured above all. He gave her splendid gifts, to have a
share of the earth and the unfruitful sea. She received honour also in starry
heaven, and is honoured exceedingly by the deathless gods.... The son of Cronos
did her no wrong nor took anything away of all that was her portion among the
former Titan gods: but she holds, as the division was at the first from the
beginning, privilege both in earth, and in heaven, and in sea".
Her gifts towards mankind are all-encompassing, Hesiod tells:
"Whom she will
she greatly aids and advances: she sits by worshipful kings in judgement, and
in the assembly whom her will is distinguished among the people. And when men
arm themselves for the battle that destroys men, then the goddess is at hand to
give victory and grant glory readily to whom she will. Good is she also when
men contend at the games, for there too the goddess is with them and profits
them: and he who by might and strength gets the victory wins the rich prize easily
with joy, and brings glory to his parents. And she is good to stand by
horsemen, whom she will: and to those whose business is in the grey
discomfortable sea, and who pray to Hecate and the loud-crashing Earth-Shaker,
easily the glorious goddess gives great catch, and easily she takes it away as
soon as seen, if so she will. She is good in the byre with Hermes to increase
the stock. The droves of kine and wide herds of goats and flocks of fleecy
sheep, if she will, she increases from a few, or makes many to be less".
Hecate was carefully attended:
"For to this day,
whenever any one of men on earth offers rich sacrifices and prays for favour
according to custom, he calls upon Hecate. Great honour comes full easily to
him whose prayers the goddess receives favourably, and she bestows wealth upon
him; for the power surely is with her".
Hesiod emphasizes that Hecate was an only child, the daughter of Asteria, a
star-goddess who was the sister of Leto, the mother of Artemis and Apollo.
Grandmother of the three cousins was Phoebe the ancient Titaness who
personified the moon. Hecate was a reappearance of Phoebe, a moon goddess
herself, who appeared in the dark of the moon.
His inclusion and praise of Hecate in Theogony is troublesome for
scholars in that he seems fulsomely to praise her attributes and
responsibilities in the ancient cosmos even though she is both relatively minor
and foreign. It is theorized that Hesiod’s original village had a substantial
Hecate following and that his inclusion of her in the Theogony was his own way
to boost the home-goddess for unfamiliar hearers.
As her cult spread
into areas of Greece it presented a conflict, as Hecate’s role was already
filled by other more prominent gods in the Greek pantheon, above all by
Artemis, and by more archaic figures, such as Nemesis.
There are two versions of Hecate that emerge in Greek myth. The lesser role
integrates Hecate while not diminishing Artemis. In this version Hecate is a
mortal priestess who is commonly associated with Iphigeneia and scorns and
insults Artemis, eventually leading to her suicide. Artemis then adorns the
dead body with jewelry and whispers for her spirit to rise and become her
Hecate, and act similar to Nemesis as an avenging spirit, but solely for
injured women. Such myths where a home god sponsors or ‘creates’ a foreign god
were widespread in ancient cultures as a way of integrating foreign cults.
Additionally, as Hecate’s cult grew, her figure was added to the myth of the
birth of Zeus as one of the midwives that hid the child, while Cronus consumed
the deceiving rock handed to him by Gaia.
The second version helps to explain how Hecate gains the title of the
"Queen of Ghosts" and her role as a goddess of sorcery. Similar to
totems of Hermes—herms— placed at borders as a ward against danger,
images of Hecate, as a liminal goddess, could also serve in such a protective
role. It became common to place statues of the goddess at the gates of cities,
and eventually domestic doorways. Over time, the association of keeping out evil
spirits led to the belief that if offended Hecate could also let in evil
spirits. Thus invocations to Hecate arose as her the supreme governess of the
borders between the normal world and the spirit world.
Eventually, Hecate’s
power resembled that of sorcery. Medea, who was a priestess of Hecate, used
witchcraft in order to handle magic herbs and poisons with skill, and to be
able to stay the course of rivers, or check the paths of the stars and the
Implacable Hecate has been called "tender-hearted", a euphemism
perhaps to emphasize her concern with the disappearance of Persephone, when she
addressed Demeter with sweet words when the goddess was distressed.
Although she was never truly incorporated among the Olympian gods, the
modern understanding of Hecate is derived from the syncretic Hellenistic
culture of Alexandria. In the magical papyri of Ptolemaic Egypt, she is called
the she-dog or bitch, and her presence is signified by the barking of dogs. She
sustained a large following as a goddess of protection and childbirth. In late
imagery she also has two ghostly dogs as servants by her side.
In modern times Hecate
has become a prevalent figure in feminist-inspired Neopagan religions, and a
version of Hecate has been appropriated by Wicca and other modern
magic-practising traditions.
Relations in the Greek
Hecate is a pre-Olympian chthonic goddess. The Greek sources do not offer a
story of her parentage, beyond the Theogony, or of her relations in the
Greek pantheon: Sometimes Hecate is a Titaness, daughter of Perses and Asteria,
and a mighty helper and protector of mankind. Her continued presence was
explained by asserting that, because she was the only Titan that aided Zeus in
the battle of gods and Titans, she was not banished into the underworld realms
after their defeat by the Olympians.
It is also told that she is the daughter of Demeter or Pheraia. Hecate,
like Demeter, was a goddess of the earth and fertility. Sometimes she is called
a daughter of Zeus.
Like many ancient mother or earth-goddesses she remains unmarried and has
no regular consort. On the other side she is the mother of many monsters, such
as Scylla.
Other names and
Chthonian (Earth/Underworld goddess)
Crataeis (the Mighty One)
Enodia (Goddess of the paths)
Antania (Enemy of mankind)
Kurotrophos (Nurse of the Children and Protectress of mankind)
Artemis of the
Propylaia (the one before the gate)
Propolos (the attendant who leads)
Phosphoros (the light-bringer)
Soteira ("Saviour")
Prytania (invincible Queen of the Dead)
Trioditis (gr.) Trivia (latin: Goddess of Three Roads)
Klęidouchos (Keeper of the Keys)
Tricephalus or Triceps (The Three-Headed)
Goddess of the
Hecate had a special role at three-way crossroads, where the Greeks set
poles with masks of each of her heads facing different directions. The
crossroad aspect of Hecate stems from her original sphere as a goddess of the
wilderness and untamed areas. This led to sacrifice in order for safe travel
into these areas. This role is similar to lesser Hermes, that is, a god of
liminal points or boundaries. Hecate is the Greek version of Trivia
"the three ways" in Roman mythology. Eligius in the 7th century CE
reminded his recently converted flock in Flanders "No Christian should make
or render any devotion to the gods of the trivium, where three roads meet, to
the fanes or the rocks, or springs or groves or corners", acts the Druids
often did.
Goddess of sorcery
The goddess of sorcery
or magic is Hecate's most common modern title.
Traditionally, Hecate is represented as carrying torches, very often has a
knife, and may appear holding a rope, a key, a phial, flowers, or a
pomegranate. The torch is presumably a symbol of the light that illuminates the
darkness, as the Greeks secured Hecate in her role as the bringer of wisdom.
Her knife represents her role as midwife in cutting the umbilical cord
(possibly symbolized by the rope), as well as severing the link between the
body and spirit at death. The key is significant to Hecate's role as
gatekeeper, being the one who could open the doors to sacred knowledge. The
Orphic Hymns list her as the "keybearing Queen of the entire Cosmos."
The pomegranate was seen by the Ancient Greeks as the fruit of the underworld,
though it was also used as a love-gift between Greek men and women. This may be
because a pomegranate was eaten by Persephone, binding her to the underworld
and to Hades.
In the so-called "Chaldean Oracles" that were edited in
Alexandria, she was also associated with a serpentine maze around a spiral,
known as Hecate's wheel (the "Strophalos of Hecate", verse 194 of
Isaac Preston Cory's 1836 translation). The symbolism referred to the serpent's
power of rebirth, to the labyrinth of knowledge through which Hecate could lead
mankind, and to the flame of life itself: "The life-producing bosom of
Hecate, that Living Flame which clothes itself in Matter to manifest
Existence" (verse 55 of Cory's translation of the Chaldean Oracles).
The she-dog is the animal most commonly associated with Hecate. She was
sometimes called the 'Black she-dog' and black dogs were once sacrificed to her
in purification rituals. At Colophon in Thrace, Hecate might be manifest as a
dog. The sound of barking dogs was the first sign of her approach in Greek and
Roman literature. The frog, significantly a creature that can cross between two
elements, is also sacred to Hecate. As a triple goddess, she sometimes appears
with three heads-one each of a dog, horse, and bear or of dog, serpent and
During the Medieval period in western Europe, Hecate was reverenced by
witches who adopted parts of her mythos as their goddess of sorcery. Because
Hecate had already been much maligned by the late Roman period, Christians of
the era found it easy to vilify her image. Thus were all her creatures also
considered "creatures of darkness"; however, the history of creatures
such as ravens, night-owls, snakes, scorpions, asses, bats, horses, bears, and
lions as her creatures is not always a dark and frightening one.
Plants and herbs
The yew, cypress, hazel, black poplar, cedar, and willow are all sacred to
Hecate. The leaves of the black poplar are dark on one side and light on the
other, symbolizing the boundary between the worlds. The yew has long been
associated with the Underworld. The yew has strong associations with death as
well as rebirth. A poison prepared from the seeds was used on arrows, and yew
wood was commonly used to make bows and dagger hilts. The potion in Hecate's
cauldron contains 'slips of yew'. Yew berries carry Hecate's power, and can
bring wisdom or death. The seeds are highly poisonous, but the fleshy,
coral-colored 'berry' surrounding it is not. If prepared correctly, the berry
can cause visual hallucinations.
Many other herbs and plants are associated with Hecate, including garlic,
almonds, lavender, thyme, myrrh, mugwort, cardamon, mint, dandelion, hellebore,
and lesser celandine. Several poisons and hallucinogens are linked to Hecate,
including belladonna, hemlock, mandrake, aconite (known as hecateis), and opium
poppy. Many of Hecate's plants were those that can be used shamanistically to
achieve varyings states of consciousness.
Wild areas, forests, borders, city walls and doorways, crossroads, and
graveyards are all associated with Hecate. It is often stated that the moon is
sacred to Hecate. This is argued against by Farnell (1896, p.4):
Some of the late
writers on mythology, such as Cornutus and Cleomedes, and some of the modern,
such as Preller and the writer in Roscher's Lexicon and Petersen, explain the
three figures as symbols of the three phases of the moon. But very little can
be said in favour of this, and very much against it. In the first place, the
statue of Alcamenes represented Hekate Επιπυργιδια,
whom the Athenian of that period regarded as the warder of the gate of his
Acropolis, and as associated in this particular spot with the Charites, deities
of the life that blossoms and yields fruit. Neither in this place nor before
the door of the citizen's house did she appear as a lunar goddess.
We may also ask, why
should a divinity who was sometimes regarded as the moon, but had many other
and even more important connexions, be given three forms to mark the three
phases of the moon, and why should Greek sculpture have been in this solitary
instance guilty of a frigid astronomical symbolism, while Selene, who was
obviously the moon and nothing else, was never treated in this way? With as
much taste and propriety Helios might have been given twelve heads.
However in the magical papyri of Greco-Roman Egypt there survive several
hymns which identify Hecate with Selene and the moon, extolling her as supreme
Goddess, mother of the gods. In this form, as a threefold goddess, Hecate
continues to have followers in some neopagan religions.
Hecate was worshipped by both the Greeks and the Romans who had their own
festivals dedicated to her. According to Ruickbie (2004:19) the Greeks observed
two days sacred to Hecate, one on the 13th of August and one on the 30th of
November, whilst the Romans observed the 29th of every month as her sacred day.
The figure of Hecate can often be associated with the figure of Isis in
Egyptian myth, mainly due to her role as sorceress. In Hebrew myth she is often
compared to the figure of Lilith and the Whore of Babylon in later Christian
tradition. Both were symbols of liminal points, and Lilith also has a role in
sorcery. Some scholars ultimately compare her to the Virgin Mary.
Before she became associated with Greek mythology, she had many
similarities with Artemis (wilderness, and watching over wedding ceremonies)
and Hera (child rearing and the protection of young men or heroes, and watching
over wedding ceremonies).
Hecate in literature
Hecate is a character in William Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth,
which was first played circa 1605; she is represented as a goddess or demon who
commands the three witches. There is some evidence to suggest that the
character and the scenes or portions thereof in which she appears (Act III,
Scene v, and a portion of Act IV, Scene i) were not written by Shakespeare, but
was added during a revision by Thomas Middleton, who used material from his own
play The Witch, which was produced in 1615. Most modern texts of Macbeth
indicate the interpolations.
Hecate was used by William Blake in a number of his paintings and poems.