ELA 9 Health Unit Inquiry Projects and 4-Quadrant Notes

Mr. Steel


Throughout the year, students in ELA 9 are exposed to discussions of health as they are relevant in our various readings. In this particular portion of the curriculum, students are provided with an opportunity to participate in independent and group cooperative learning through an inquiry-based approach. The three outcome areas for Health are listed as Wellness Choices, Relationship Choices, and Life Learning Choices. Individually, or in groups of no more than five, students will be assigned an area of research within these three outcome areas. Students will prepare a display that offers a synopsis of their findings in ONE of the following areas of the health curriculum:


1. Wellness Choices: Personal Health

·          Student displays ought to demonstrate knowledge of a healthy lifestyle, active lifestyle to promote and encourage family/peer/community involvement.

·          Student displays must analyze how positive health habits can be supported by a variety of approaches to health practices and treatments.

·          Students should include some discussion of coping strategies when experiencing different rates of physical, emotional, social and sexual development.

·          Students will analyze and develop strategies to reduce the effects of stereotyping on body image.

·          Displays ought to develop strategies that promote healthy nutritional choices for self and others and adapt goals that reflect healthy eating.


2. Wellness Choices: Safety and Responsibility

·          Students will create a display that evaluates the implications and consequences of sexual assault on a victim and those associated with that victim.

·          Student displays will provide strategies to promote harm reduction and risk management.

·          Student work will analyze and evaluate laws and policies that promote personal, community and workplace safety.

·          Students will assess the quality and reliability of health information provided by different sources.

·          Displays will develop personal resiliency skills; projects will demonstrate a sense of purpose with clear standards for personal behaviour.

·          Projects in this sub-area will provide some information on “safer” sex practices.

·          Displays will identify and describe the responsibilities and resources associated with pregnancy and parenting.


3. Relationship Choices: Understanding and Expressing Feelings, Interactions, and Group Roles/Processes

Student projects in this area will provide information on effective interpersonal skills that demonstrate responsibility, respect and caring in order to establish and maintain healthy interactions.

·          Projects will identify appropriate strategies to foster positive feelings and attitudes.

·          Displays will analyze why individuals choose not to express or manage feelings.

·          Work will investigate, evaluate, and refine personal strategies for managing stress and crisis.

·          Students will use their project to analyze, evaluate and refine personal communication patterns.

·          Projects will describe and analyze factors that contribute to the development of unhealthy relationships, and develop strategies to deal with them.

·          Student work will develop strategies to model integrity and honesty in accordance with ethical principles.

·          Student work will display effort to show how it is possible to refine personal conflict management skills.

·          Projects in this area will analyze the skills required to maintain individuality within a group.

·          Student displays ought to look at how group cooperation and group work can be improved or made more effective.


4. Life Learning Choices: Learning Strategies, Life and Career Development, and Volunteerism

Student work will use resources effectively to manage and explore life roles, career opportunities and challenges.

·          Student work will discuss the importance of time management for learning.

·          Displays will relate why learning is important to personal success and happiness.

·          Projects in this sub-area will discuss why some degree of risk-taking is important for personal growth, but also will demonstrate the dangers of certain kinds of risky behaviour.

·          Student work will discuss the significance of looking at the consequences of one’s behaviour when making decisions.

·          Student projects will examine the importance of developing personal goals and priorities to accomplish career aspirations and to follow learning paths.

·          Projects will examine strategies to deal with transition from school to future careers.

·          Work will analyze the impact of volunteerism on career opportunities.


Having completed an individual/group project in one of these areas, all students will peruse each of the displays and take notes on each. Notes will be taken in “quadrant” form; a lined piece of paper is folded in half once each way to make four squares, and notes from each project are taken in each of the quadrants. One quadrant of notes is required for every project produced by students.


Group Health Project Number/Title:


Members of Group:



Is the information in the student display thorough or complete? Does it respond to all the stipulated questions? (answering the questions)



Have students demonstrated that they took pains to research their portion of the Health Curriculum? (evidence of research)



Have students made the attempt to re-write the ideas they have discovered through their research in their own words? (not simply cutting and pasting off the internet or out of a book)



Is the work that students have used correctly referenced? (URL's, book titles, authors, quotations used are noted as quotations, not as written by the student)



Is the project display adequately proofread? (spelling, grammar, syntax, complete sentences, proper paragraphing)



Is the project display neatly organized? (legible, colourful, message is not confused due to poor organization, responses to specific questions are easy to find in the display)



Does the project make effective use of visuals to assist in the communication of information? (i.e., pictures, charts, graphs, flowcharts, mind-maps, illustrations)





General Comments: